"Mereka sudah menyatakan bersedia membantu saya, jadi sebetulnya hari ini hanya mengkonfirmasi," kata Prabowo kepada wartawan.Majelis Rendah Inggris, dalam penelusuran yang melibatkan akademisi, menyebut terdapat konsensus yang menguat bahwa jumlah menteri yang semakin banyak berdampak negatif pada efektivitas pemerintahan.Maung meruapakan kendaraa… Read More

"My situation over the IDI Board is fairly new, but it's worthwhile to incorporate the perspectives of IDI as well as the IDI Board into your eyesight of BPK to view that, just as Indonesia is a component of the global Local community, BPK also has a task to play in the global community of SAI's. This larger sized outlook opens up possibility withi… Read More